
Vision; growth; immune function; fetal

Maintenance of mineral status, skeletal structure,
muscle contraction, blood clotting, nerve
conduction, phosphorus balance.

Defense against oxidative damage via free radical scavenging.

Activation of clotting factors, bone proteins and
other proteins.

Energy and carbohydrate metabolism.

Glucose generation, red blood cell function, niacin  synthesis, nervous system function, immune       response, hormone regulation, gene activation.

Energy metabolism.

Enzyme functions.

Amino acid and nucleotide metabolism,
mitochondrial protein synthesis.

Vitamin A

Vitamin D

Vitamin E

Vitamin K

Vitamin B1


Vitamin B6



Vitamin B12

Folic Acid

The Importance of
In Your Cat's Diet
Signs of Deficiency/Excess

Conjunctivitis, cataracts, retinal degener-
tion and other eye problems, weight loss, muscle weakness, reproductive and developmental disorders.
Skeletal lesions in kittens, particularly out-
growths of the cervical vertebrae, osteoporosis

Rickets, abnormalities in skeletal development, progressive paralysis, ataxia, lack of grooming, reduction in body weight and food intake.
Anorexia, vomiting, lethargy, calcification of soft tissues.

Anorexia, depression, pain sensitivity in abdomen, fat tissue pathology.

Prolonged blood clotting times, hemor-

Neurological impairments including altered reflexes and convulsive seizures,  heart-rate disorders, pathological changes in the central nervous system.

Cataracts, fatty livers, testicular atrophy.

Stunted growth, convulsive seizures, kidney lesions.

Anorexia, weight loss, elevated body temp-
erature, fiery red tongue with ulceration and congestion.

Stunted growth, fatty changes in liver, small bowel lesions.

Weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal disorders.

Decreased growth rate, increased iron levels in blood.
Vitamins are essential to your cat's good health.  Vitamin deficiencies in the cat's diet can lead to ill-health and a wide range of clinical abnormalities.  Always consult with your Veterinarian if you are concerned about your cat's health.














Formation of bones and teeth, blood coagulation, nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, cell signaling.

Skeletal structure, DNA and RNA structure, energy metabolism, locomotion, acid-base balance.

Enzyme functions, muscle and nerve-cell membrane stability, hormone secretion and function, mineral structure of bones and teeth.

Acid-base balance, regulation of osmotic pressure, nerve impulse genration and transmission.

Acid-base balance, nerve-impulse transmission,
enzymatic reactions, transport functions.

Acid-base balance, osmolarity of extracellular fluids.

Hemoglobin and myoglobin synthesis, energy metabolism.

Connective tissue formation, iron metabolism, blood cell formation, melanin pigment formation, defense against oxidative damage.

Enzyme reactions, cell replication, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, skin funtion, wound healing.

Enzyme functions, bone development, neurological function.

Defense against oxidative damage, immune

Thyroid hormone synthesis, cell differentiation, growth and development of kittens, regulation of metabolic rate.

Signs of Deficiency/Excess

Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism loss of bone mineral content which can lead to collapse and curvature of lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones, bone pain which can lead to pathological fractures.
Depressed food intake, decreased growth increased bone mineral deficiency, increased need for magnesium.

Hemolytic anemia, locomotor disturbance metabolic acidosis.

Poor growth, overextension of the carpal joints, muscle twitching, convulsions.
Urinary tract stone formation in the presence of high pH.

Anorexia, impaired growth, excessive thirst and drinking, excessive urination.

Anorexia, retarded growth, neurological disorders including ataxia and severe muscle weakness.

Increased sodium concentration in renal fluid, excess potassium excretion.

Poor growth, pale mucous membranes, lethargy, weakness, diarrhea.
Vominting and diarrhea.

Reduced weight gain, longer time to conceive.

Skin lesions, growth retardation, testicular damage.

No studies of deficiency in cats.

No studies of deficiency in cats.

Enlargement of thyroid glands.
Excessive tearing, salivation and nasal discharge, dandruff.

There are twelve minerals known to be essential for cats.  Certain minerals in excess can be harmful.  Always consult with your Veterinarian if you are in doubt of your cat's health.
Vitamin & Mineral
Enzyme functions. 
Enzyme functions. 
The importance of vitamins and minerals in your cat's diet
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