Acetaminophens are very toxic for cats. Dogs and humans can tolerate it as they have enzymes which break down the drug. Cats do not have this enzyme and if given acetaminophens (Tylenol, etc.) red blood cells will be damaged causing methemoglobinemia, which is a blood condition that can kill the cat.
Reach for aspirin instead? USE EXTREME CARE if treating a cat. Again, dogs and humans can handle aspirin on a daily basis, but cats must wait 72 hours between treatments or the drug will build up in the system and becomes lethal to the cat.
Pets can tolerate mild fevers and normally drug intervention is not required. Fever is nature's way of warming the body to increase the activity of helpful enzymes and proteins to treat infection. Fever is also indicative that there could be an underlying problem which may require Veterinary care.
Pet owners are often unwittingly the cause of their cat or dog being accidentally poisoned. Pets can be poisoned by a number of means. Be aware of plants, foods and household items that can be toxic to your pets. As with all things, there are exceptions. If you suspect poisoning contact your Veterinarian immediately.
The following foods should not be given to cats. Some may cause only a mild upset, while others can cause serious illness or death. These are common food items and not a complete list of foods which may be toxic to your cat. Feed quality cat foods specially forumulated for them that meets their nutritional requirements.
Alcoholic Beverages Can cause intoxication, coma and death.
Baby Food Can contain onion powder, which may be toxic to cats. Can result in nutritional
deficiencies if fed in large amounts.
Bones from poultry, Can cause obstruction or laceration of the
fish or other meat digestive system.
Canned tuna (for Can lead to malnutrition as it lacks the
human consumption. proper levels of vitamins and minerals.
Chocolate, coffee, tea Contain caffine, theobromine and may be
and other caffine and affects the heart and nervous system.
Citrus Oil Extracts Can cause vomiting
Dog Food If fed repeatedly may result in malnutrition and heart disease.
Fat Trimmings Can lead to pancreatitis.
Grapes and Raisins Contain an unknown toxin which may lead
to kidney damage
Human vitamin Can damage the lining of the digestive
supplements contain system and be toxic to other organs
ing iron including the liver and kidneys.
LiverLarge amounts can cause Vitamin A
toxicity which affects muscles and bones.
Macadamia Nuts Contains an unknown toxin which can
affect digestive and nervous systems and
Milk and other dairy Some cats are lactose intolerant and
products diarrhea may result if ingested.
Lactose-free milk products are available for
Moldy or spoiled food Can contain multiple toxins causing
vomiting, diarrhea and can affect other
Mushrooms Can contain toxins which may affect
multiple systems in the body causing shock
and resulting in death.
Onions and Garlic Can damage red blood cells and cause
(raw, cooked or anemia. Cats are more susceptible than
powder) dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.
Potato, rhubarb & Can affect the digestive, nervous and
tomato leaves; potato urinary systems. More of a problem in
and tomato stems. livestock.
Raw eggs Decreases the absorption of biotin (a B
vitamin) which can lead to skin and hair
coat problems. Also may contain
Raw fish Can result in a thiamine deficiency
leading to loss of appetite, seizures and
in severe cases, death. More common if
fed regularly.
Salt In large quantities it may lead to electro-
lyte imbalances.
Sugary Foods Can lead to obesity, dental problems and
possibly diabetes mellitus.
Table Scraps in Not nutrionally balanced and may contain
large quantities onion, garlic, mushrooms. (see above)
Yeast dough Can expand and produce gas in the diges-
tive system causing pain and possible
rupture of the stomach or intestines.
The following foods should not be given to dogs Some may cause only a mild upset, while others can cause serious illness or death. These are common food items and not a complete list of foods which may be toxic to your dog. Feed your dog a quality food specially formulated for canines.
1. Don't feed your pets anything but pet foods that are specially formulated for them.
2. Keep your Vet's phone number handy....don't forget to write down the after hours number.
3. Store household cleaners where pets can't get into them.
4. Wipe up anti-freeze, paint and other harmful substances if spilled and store them safely.
5. Be aware of the potential hazard of the plants in and out of your home.
6. Cover garbage tightly or keep inside a cupboard where pets can't break into it.
Alcoholic Beverages Can cause intoxication, coma and death.
Baby Food Can contain onion powder, which may be toxic to dogs. Can result in nutritional deficiencies if fed in large amounts.
Bones from poultry, Can cause obstruction or laceration of the
fish or other meat digestive system.
Cat Food Generally too high in protein and fats.
Chocolate, coffee, tea Contain caffine, theobromine which can
and other caffine be toxic and affect the heart and nervous
Citrus Oil Extracts Can cause vomiting
Fat Trimmings Can lead to pancreatitis.
Grapes and Raisins Contain an unknown toxin which may lead
to kidney damage.
Hops Unknown compound causes panting,
increased heart rate, elevated temp,
seizures and death.
Human vitamin Can damage the lining of the digestive
supplements contain system and be toxic to other organs
ing iron including the liver and kidneys.
LiverLarge amounts can cause Vitamin A
toxicity which affects muscles and bones.
Macadamia Nuts Contains an unknown toxin which can
Walnuts affect digestive and nervous systems and
muscle. Can cause seizures.
Milk and other dairy Some adult dogs are lactose intolerant.
products Diarrhea may result if ingested.
Lactose-free milk products are available for
Moldy or spoiled food Can contain multiple toxins causing
vomiting, diarrhea and can affect other
Mushrooms Can contain toxins which may affect
multiple systems in the body causing shock
and resulting in death.
Onions and Garlic Can damage red blood cells and cause
(raw, cooked or anemia. Cats are more susceptible than
powder) dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.
Potato, rhubarb & Can affect the digestive, nervous and
tomato leaves; potato urinary systems. More of a problem in
and tomato stems. livestock.
Raw eggs Decreases the absorption of biotin (a B
vitamin) which can lead to skin and hair
coat problems. Also may contain
Raw fish Can result in a thiamine deficiency
leading to loss of appetite, seizures and
in severe cases, death. More common if
fed regularly.
Salt In large quantities it may lead to electro-
lyte imbalances.
Sugary Foods Can lead to obesity, dental problems and
possibly diabetes mellitus.
Table Scraps in Not nutrionally balanced and may contain
large quantities onion, garlic, mushrooms. (see above)
Yeast dough Can expand and produce gas in the diges-
tive system causing pain and possible
rupture of the stomach or intestines.
3321 lupine lane
stevensville, mt 59870